Thursday, July 24, 2008

Catching Up...

So the power at my house was out from the storm Tuesday night until 7:15 pm on Wednesday...So I have a little catching up to do...

After discussing Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce in class I couldn't get the word Finnegan out of me head...then it hit me...I used to watch a sing-a-long movie called We Sing in Sillyville and they sang a song called "Michael Finnegan". The lyrics are totally all about ending and beginning's a site with some cool music and the lyrics... Michael Finnegan
Then after looking for more about Finnegan's Wake I found out that James Joyce actually composed a song for the book titled "The Ballad of Persee O'Reilly"'s a clip of the music and a different site with all the lyrics. I thought that was kinda cool!

I really enjoyed Mister Pip! I concur that yes it was depressing and not really a children's book, but I also feel that the sad and depressing parts, as significant as they are, shouldn't be focused too hard on. When I was in fifth grade my teacher read aloud Where the Red Fern Grows, a sad book, and every day before he started to read he told my class "The dogs die" and then would start reading. I realize now that he told us that, not to spoil the ending, but to show us that however sad it may be, it's not the point, it's the experience. I feel that in some sense this logic also works with Mister Pip. It doesn't really matter who dies, it's all about what each character believes and the experiences of what they do.

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