Thursday, July 31, 2008

Milo <3

I just want to forewarn everyone that this blog has absolutely no relevance to class but it's all I can think about right now, so it's all I can write about....Tomorrow after class I have to go and put my cat to sleep. His name is Milo and I've had him ever since I was five. I got him at the Farmer's Market with my mom and my best friend and her mom. On the car ride home we were dicussing what to name him. I wanted to name him Nala because The Lion King was the new Disney movie out and my friend and I were obsessed with it. But then my mom told me that I couldn't name him Nala because he was a boy. So then, obviously, I wanted to name him Simba. Right like that would happen. So my mom suggested Milo because he looked like the cat from the movie Milo and Otis, which I watched pretty regularly. So that was it, he was named Milo. I remember when we moved houses from close to Emily Dickinson Elementary School to out in Four Corners, Milo disappeared for about a week and we thought he got lost because he didn't know where he was. But he knew exactly. Our old neighbor called and said that Milo had been sitting on the front porch of our old house for a couple days. What a crazy cat, he traveled miles to where he thought home was. It's unbelievable that he made it! He is my cuddle bug and when I was younger, I would purposely lay my arm out onto the pillow next to me when I went to bed, because he would come up and lay his head on my arm and go to sleep. He became like a security blanket, there were times when I couldn't and wouldn't go to sleep without him in my room. Unfortunatly, after I moved out for college and then came home for the summer I couldn't do that anymore. He was having health issues and had no control of his bladder. Actually, the vet told my mom that he peed when he was comfortable, which was normally on my bed. At least I know that he was comfortable being with me. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I don't think I can say goodbye. I know it's not like losing a grandmother or a nephew, but in a sense it kind of is. He's been a part of my family for the majority of my life and now I just have to say goodbye and send him into another room, knowing that I'll never see him again. I've been a wreck all afternoon and I know tomorrow is going to be no different. I want to be selfish and keep him around because I love him, but I know that he is hurting and I can't be selfish, I have to love him as much as I can until the very end, and I know that through all of my sobbing that's what I'm going to do.

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