Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Struggle of Pip

In class and in blogs it seems that most have strong views about Pip and what he does throughout the novel. I find that I am torn. Yes, Pip dreams about being someone better than just a blacksmith's apprentice and once that happens he forgets the people that should matter to him. But then in the end he's sitting there with Magwitch, who's on his death bed...and I believe if I read correctly, that he doesn't even get the billfold that had all the money in it...I think it's taken when Magwitch is arrested, so I question...does he even know what land has been given to him?? Maybe I read too fast or just didn't absorb this part or it's to be understood that he knows..but it kind of baffles me. He also does the right thing in telling Magwitch that his daughter lived and is a lady with powerful friends..I know that if I knew something like that and was in his situation I would have done the exact same thing. In the end I figure that I like Pip, but only a smidgen more then not liking him!

I have to say that my favorite scene in the book, as simple and non-important as it may be, it Wemmick's wedding. Just the way that Mr. Dickens goes about having Wemmick get married I find humorous and charming. I laughed out loud when I figured out what was going on! "Halloa! Here's a church! [...] Let's go in! [...] Halloa! Here's a couple of pair of gloves! Let's put 'em on! [...] Halloa! Here's Miss Skiffins! Let's have a wedding!" pg 355 Shall I say funny how everything was there....on purpose. And finally in the middle of the service "Halloa! Here's a ring!" pg 356

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